European manicure
Many salons provide a rather specific service called EXPRESS MANICURE. What is hidden under this name and is it worth trusting such a procedure? The answers to these questions are not so unambiguous. Let’s try to figure it out and find a solution.
To begin with, let’s find out what is hidden under the term EXPRESS MANICURE. This procedure takes little time, which includes the processing of the cuticle, alignment of the shape of the nail plate, hand massage and, at the request of the client, varnishing.
What is a European manicure for?
European manicure ( express manicure ) is perfect for everyone, especially recommended for those people who have very thin and delicate skin, or close blood vessels. People who naturally have a dense cuticle will have to be patient, because then the European manicure will show itself in all its glory and bring great joy to the owners for their patience.
The main difference between the European manicure and other varieties of manicure is that the cuticle is not cut off, but gently shifted with an orange stick.
No one will dispute that today this is the safest type of manicure, the most painless and the most suitable so as not to cause an infection.
The safety of the European manicure is explained by the fact that this procedure does not involve cutting the cuticle. And the cuticle serves to protect the root of the nails from infections. Compared to the classical cutting technique of manicure, there are advantages of euro-manicure – it is safety, no cracks and swelling of the cuticle, no infection, no deep nail injuries from exposure to tools, no pain and bleeding, since cutting tools are not used. The second major benefit is time savings. Therefore, European manicure is also called express manicure. It is faster to do than any other procedure. The third plus is a slowdown in the growth of the cuticle, if hand care is carried out systematically, and the hands will look softer and younger.
The cons of European manicure occur in people with tight cuticles. They will have to have great patience, because the first time a dense cuticle cannot be removed with a European manicure, but it is possible for everyone to switch to it. And after that you no longer have to cut the cuticle with tweezers, but you will have to regularly maintain the order of your hands.
Saving time on hand care occurs after you have already switched to a European manicure or the so-called express manicure. Express manicure is liked by many women who have many things to do and children and little time for themselves. Euro-manicure is very popular among men who suffer and turn white from the sight of blood in case of a cut. The short duration of the procedure (20 minutes) and low price – such a characteristic should attract many people who are limited in the time they can systematically devote to giving their hands a well-groomed appearance.
Offering services to our customers, we maintain a reasonable pricing policy.
Book a European manicure
And you can get additional information about our services and make an appointment with the necessary masters by calling the numbers in Riga indicated in the Contacts section.