Eyebrow and eyelash care

Eyebrow and eyelash careFemale eyes, eyelashes and the shape of eyebrows are sung by poets. And it is no coincidence that this is an important weapon to capture the strong sex. Therefore, talking about what kind of care is required for eyelashes and eyebrows will not be amiss.

Eyelashes and eyebrows fulfill the most important function: they protect the eyes from the ingress of foreign particles. The part of the hair freely located under the skin is called the shaft, and the part hidden in the thickness of the skin is called the root. The root ends with an extension – the hair bulb. Hair growth occurs in the bulb. The hair shaft consists of three layers: the core of the hair is called the brain substance, it contains dead cells. There is no brain substance at the ends of the eyelash and eyebrow hair. The bulk is cortical substance: elongated and tightly adjacent to each other cells containing pigment – a dye. The pigment can be red, yellow and black, and the combination of colors gives the individual color of eyelashes and eyebrows. Hair growth is cyclical and not the same. For example, the lifespan of a ciliary hair is from 150 to 200 days, then it falls out, and a new one grows in its place. No matter how rare and thin eyelashes and eyebrows may seem, there are very, very many of them. Eyelashes grow on the upper eyelid in 3-4 rows, their number is from 150 to 200. On the lower eyelid – in 1-2 rows, here their number is from 75 to 100, and there are up to 600 hairs in the eyebrows.

Beautiful eyelashes and eyebrows are important for a woman’s face at any age, as they emphasize the shape of the eyes and can change the appearance of the face as a whole. Sometimes it’s the eyelashes that can change the face of a woman beyond recognition, and the shadow cast from the eyelashes gives the eyes special expressiveness and beauty. Regardless of the color of the hair, women tend to tint eyebrows and eyelashes.

Staining eyebrows and eyelashes with paint eliminates the daily need to dye eyes and eyebrows, as well as summarizing and adjusting makeup during the day. For many women, especially blondes, “colorless” eyes haunt, and owners of red and blond hair are rarely satisfied with the color of their eyelashes and eyebrows.

Our “IRENA” salon uses “Refecto Cil” products
– The most advanced system for professional coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes. Products are made from high quality raw materials using the latest scientific achievements and innovative developments.

“Refecto Cil” paints for coloring eyebrows and eyelashes have 9 shades: black, blue-black, graphite, natural brown, light brown, chestnut, red, lightening paste (lightening 3 tones) for eyebrows.

Main advantages of “Refecto Cil” paints:

  1. Hypoallergenic paint;
  2. Does not damage the hair structure;
  3. Color fastness up to 6 weeks;
  4. Wide color gamut;
  5. Efficiency of use of a tube;
  6. The ability to lighten eyebrows in 3 tones with whitening paste;
  7. Paints can be used for male clients, both for coloring eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as for a mustache, beard and whiskers.

“Refecto Cil” paints can be mixed and combined, which allows to realize even the most extravagant wishes of the client. In addition, with the help of these colors, you can correct the eyebrows and eyelashes in terms of brightness and tone in accordance with the color of the hair and create a harmonious image. After applying the “Refecto Cil” paint, the eyelashes acquire a rich color, look longer and more voluminous, look spectacular without the use of mascara, which is especially important for clients going to rest, for those who are actively involved in sports. “Refecto Cil” inks are ideal for contact lens wearers.

Salon eyelash tinting procedure takes little time and is safe. First, eye cream is applied to the skin under the eyes, then cotton pads are placed under the eyelashes and a brush is applied to the eyelashes, staining them from above and below. And after 5-15 minutes, the paint is washed off. That’s all! The procedure can be repeated in a month.

Eyebrows can be called a mirror of the soul. They are the ones that best express human emotions. Properly designed eyebrows can make a woman more attractive, and unkempt – spoil even the most beautiful face. Properly designed eyebrows can visually enlarge the eyes, make the face thinner or rounded, highlight the best facial features and hide imperfections. If a woman has irregular eyebrows, then only eyebrow correction will help. Many may take this lightly, and this will be an erroneous opinion. One of the components of the basis of an expressive and attractive image is eyebrows.
The shape of the eyebrows is selected individually, taking into account the shape of the woman’s face.

There are five main types of eyebrows:

  1. Rounded eyebrows bend over the eyes and give the look softness. Such eyebrows soften facial expression, creating roundness and helping to hide sharp facial features, for example, a pointed chin. Leaving enough space above the upper eyelid, you can experiment with makeup.
  2. BROKEN eyebrows are very expressive, attract attention to the upper part of the face, so the face looks younger. These eyebrows visually reduce the width of a round or rhomboid face. The upper corners visually raise your eyes, distracting attention from gross features.
  3. ARCANE BROWS – This shape is considered classic. They are similar to broken eyebrows, but they have a softer, thinner bend, which makes the face more feminine. Highly raised arcs open your eyes, thereby emphasizing other facial features.
  4. Bent eyebrows are an extraordinary shape that creates a beautiful arch. This form indicates the confidence of the woman. The tips of the eyebrows aimed at the cheekbones emphasize the advantages of a square and oval face.
  5. DIRECT eyebrows do not form arches and require special attention. This form gives the face a natural and slightly innocent expression. Suitable for those with an elongated face shape. The horizontal line of the eyebrows visually reduces the face.

Having decided on the shape of the eyebrows, let’s move on to their correction. This is not a complicated procedure. It is done taking into account the main elements of correction – height and length. The beginning and end of the eyebrows should be in a specific place. The beginning of the eyebrow is defined in this way: a pencil is applied to the wing of the nose so that it passes through the inner corner of the eye. The intersection of the pencil with the eyebrow will be its beginning. The place of the bend is determined by the intersection of the pencil with an eyebrow from the wing of the nose through the pupil of the eye. The end point of the eyebrow is from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. The end of the eyebrow should not be lower than its beginning, the face will acquire, otherwise, a sad expression.

Eyebrow correction is carried out using tweezers and a brush (comb). Eyebrows are plucked, starting at the lower boundary from the outer corner of the eye. Eyebrow hairs can grow away from the root, so it is important to brush the hairs up and see where they begin to grow, so as not to accidentally create a bald area. A prerequisite is never to pluck the eyebrows on the top line of growth.

The desired shape can be given to the eyebrows using special styling tools. Perfectly fixes hairs transparent gel, designed specifically for eyebrows. To give shape to the eyebrows, a small amount of gel is applied and the naughty hairs are laid properly with light movements. The procedure takes a couple of minutes, and its result lasts throughout the day.

For the first time, eyebrow correction requires the work of a professional. The shape of the eyebrows must be maintained constantly, without starting.

Eyebrow correction can be done in several ways. Which of them to resort to, you must decide for yourself. Whether it will be an eyebrow correction in a salon or at home, the main thing is to achieve the desired result, and the eyebrows will become beautiful and well-groomed.

To make your eyes stand out brighter and you are irresistible, attracting the eyes of fans, we invite you to the IRENA salon to professionally color your eyebrows and eyelashes and give the appropriate shape to the eyebrows. Welcome!

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Eyebrow and eyelash care
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